About Us

Who We Are

TBNZ (Tenpin Bowling New Zealand) is the National Sports Organisation for Tenpin Bowling in New Zealand, as recognised by the NZ Olympic Committee and Sport New Zealand.  TBNZ is affiliated to the International Bowling Federation , the body responsible for administering the sport world-wide.

TBNZ is a non-profit organisation and receives funding from Sponsor Centres, individual member fees, tournament levies, and charitable grants.

Our Mission Statement

“To work with the industry and stakeholders to provide the foundations to encourage participation and achievement within the sport of tenpin bowling.”

Board of Directors

The governance of TBNZ is vested in the Board of Directors (the “Board”) as defined in the TBNZ Constitution.

The Board comprises of:

  • Four (4) elected Board Members
  • Proprietors Representative as ratified by the CEO and the Board Members

Our current Board of Directors are:

The job description of the TBNZ Director is outlined in the following link:  Director’s JD

The Management Team

The CEO and the Management Team are responsible for the completion of all administration work to keep TBNZ running and to service the needs of the bowlers and work with the Sponsor Centres. All the Management Team members are volunteers and carry out their duties while meeting the demands of their working lives, family lives, and often active participation in bowling.

The volunteers provide their expertise, valuable time and resources  to help with the administration of TBNZ.

The current members of the Management Team are:

(with link to Job Description)
EmailPosition Holder
Chief Executive Officerceo@tbnz.co.nzPosition Vacant
Assistant CEOceo@tbnz.co.nzMelonie Lister
Administration Manageradmin@tbnz.co.nzIan Klein
Finance Managerfinance@tbnz.co.nzJim Roberts
National Tournament Managertournament@tbnz.co.nzPete Richardson
Technical Managertechnical@tbnz.co.nzAaron King
Ranking & Statistics Officerrankings@tbnz.co.nzJim Roberts
Tournament & Web Support Officertournamentsupport@tbnz.co.nzIan Klein
Media Officermedia@tbnz.co.nzSarah Young
Education Managereducation@tbnz.co.nzClaire Gow
Sport Integrity Commission Liaison Officerdrugfree@tbnz.co.nzClaire Gow

Coaching Committee Manager
admin@tbnz.co.nzPosition Vacant
Privacy Officeradmin@tbnz.co.nzIan Klein
Sub Committee Job Descriptions
TBNZ Tournament Rules CommitteeCommittee ChairmanMelonie Lister
Pete Richardson
Ian Klein
Suzanne Howell
Coaching CommitteeCommittee ConvenorConvenor – Position Vacant
Youth Coaching Coordinator – Position Vacant
Adult Coaching Coordinator – Mark Stretton
DFSNZ Liason Officer - Claire Gow
Bowl Patrol Coordinator – Position Vacant
Para Olympic LiaisonZane Carlson