
Page updated on the 18th March 2025.

If anyone has any records they would like to share, any information on previous years or corrections required to the records published, please send an email to our National Tournament Manager  or our Tournament & Web Support.  Other records to follow.

National Champions & Records

Individual Honours

To claim for your honour game or series, the Inspection Form V2022 must be completed within 14 days and submitted  to the TBNZ Technical Manager and copy to the TBNZ Tournament Manager and the TBNZ Administration Manager

  1. Honours for 800 Series
  2. Honours for 300 Game
  3. Honours for 299 Game
  4. Honours for 298 Game
  5. Honours Summary Sheet – consolidated view of (1) to (4)
  6. Honours Summary View Per Year

Hall of Fame Info

NZ Representation Info 

Previous Local Tournaments with Summary Document of Individual Winners

Yearly Snapshot of TBNZ Website

For yearly archived copies (i.e. snapshots at around September) of the TBNZ website.  click here