CEO Appointment
The Board is pleased to announce that Ivena Heald has agreed to take on the role of TBNZ CEO effective from 1 May 2018.
To achieve her and our objectives Ivena will need the support of all members, and she will be looking for volunteers to take on the vacant Finance Manager and Administration Manager roles to support her and TBNZ. Ivena has advised, when accepting the CEO role, that she wants to work with people to build the relationship and trust between TBNZ and the membership, that her door will be continually open to all feedback (good or bad), and that everyone can have a say in creating the future of our sport together.
The Board is looking forward to working with Ivena to continue to grow and develop our sport, and request that the membership give her time to get up to speed with the day to day activities of TBNZ over the coming months.
Craig Nevatt
Tenpin Bowling New Zealand Inc.