Update on the Website Redevelopment & Social Media

We are pleased to advise that we have completed the domain transfer from the main TBNZ website and repointed this to the new website supported by RebornWeb. We have downloaded all the information from the previous providers’ webserver and will be looking for a repository for this that we can retrieve when needed.

The TBNZResults website will be kept for the next month until we have completely extracted all the information. Please note that some of the links won’t work.

From a communications perspective, you can continue to contact us through our existing TBNZ emails.

We are still reviewing if we really need an eCommerce facility, so in the meantime for our direct members, please use the JoinUp Page facility to renew your 2017 TBNZ membership.

In the last Board Meeting, social media was also discussed. The key question asked was – what is the purpose of having a TBNZ Facebook Page? The main purpose of the FB page is to provide topical information for our members, advertise, announce and promote national and regional tournaments and general information on national team travels. We will also publish information we receive from around the globe, in particular from the Asian Zone – anything which promotes tenpin bowling as a sport. We are pleased to advised that we are launching the official TBNZ Facebook Page and we invite you to like the page: https://www.facebook.com/tenpinbowlingnewzealand.  This will not be a Public Group like the current one. The existing TBNZ Public Group will be closed down.

If bowlers have any questions, suggestions or grievance we encourage you to contact us directly by giving a member of the Management Committee a call, send a private message or have coffee with them to discuss matters.

  • For day to day administration of TBNZ, please contact the appropriate Management Committee team member
  • For governance and policies, please contact our CEO who will then bring this topic to the Board Meeting

We will continue with the development of the new TBNZ website and move the historical information.

Thank you for your support.
From the TBNZ Board & Management Committee